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The 6 month trauma- informed coaching programme designed to help you Embody Your Inner Goddess of Love, Step into Your Power, Find Clarity and Take Aligned Action with Flow & Pleasure

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Welcome GoddessʉϬ

Are you a highly capable & experienced,

heart-centered female coach or healer?

Are you deeply devoted to your purpose, serving your clients & the world from your heart?

Are you desiring to embody safety, worthiness, empowerment, feminine flow, pleasure & abundance in your life & business?


Is this YOU?

Maybe you've had a "serious" career or business before... and now you're stepping into your purpose and/or spiritual gifts and you want to share them with the world...

But you're holding back in fear of losing your 'professional reputation' and being seen as the 'crazy cat lady' or 'silly little woman' among your family, friends, and peers?

You've started your business to follow your purpose and passion, to help people, to have more freedom, fun fulfilment, and flow...

Yet, so far, most of the time, you're mostly worried, overthinking, overwhelmed and in resistance about marketing, chasing clients & money?


Have you done this...?

You've invested in coaches, mentors and courses, you've tried the 'proven systems', you've hustled, DMed people, showed up every day, you've DONE. ALL. THE. THINGS. the 'gurus' told you to do...

and you've ended up even more frustrated, disempowered and out of alignment with what you REALLY want?

You've been working hard to hit your goals (that you set up based on what you "should" be achieving) to finally feel like you're good enough... and you've been feeling guilty when taking a break (even forgetting to eat or pee?) and driving yourself into BURNOUT (again...?!)

You've been feeling like a failure when not hitting your income goals, asking for help or receiving the money you didn't "deserve" or earn in your biz?


Sounds familiar...?

You're feeling like something is off... because for you it was always about purpose and passion, yet you ended up feeling like an overworked employee again?

You knew you wanted to have more fun, flow and pleasure...

So you've tried slowing down, taking time for self care, de-attaching your self-worth from the results and you've tried showing up in your biz more authentically...

But instead, you've ended up even more triggered, overwhelmed, procrastinating, people pleasing and hiding?

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Are you...?

Tired of getting stuck in overwhelm, overthinking, self-doubt, perfectionism, procrastination & impostor syndrome?

Sick of swinging between overworking yourself into burnout and hiding from your business & playing small for weeks?

DONE with giving your power away, forcing yourself to do what the coaching/marketing industry tells you to do, trying to prove your worth with certificates or chasing BS money goals (that aren't even truly YOURS)?

DONE with waiting to enjoy your life only once you've finally "made it" (not even sure what that means exactly)?

READY to step into your POWER, flow & pleasure NOW?

You want to feel empowered, worthy, & abundant NOW

You just don't know how to embody your Higher Self?

Embodied Safety

A sustainable life & business that will support you for many years, is built on safe, solid foundations. We'll work on:

  • nervous system regulation

  • recognising and exiting safety strategies you get caught up into when in stress and overwhelm (aka trauma response)

  • bringing you back into your body and finding safety in the present moment

  • inner parts somatic healing & integration (protector, inner child, inner critic etc.)

  • ​preparing the ground to take action from a safe, clear and grounded state (rather than from desperation, worry, panic & scarcity)

Receiving & Pleasure

Women who create abundant, joyful lives know how to ask for what they want and feel comfortable to receive it.

We'll work on:

  • releasing guilt and shame around your desires and pleasure

  • ​releasing fear and discomfort of vulnerability around receiving

  • ​​tapping into pleasure, rest and flow (vs. hustle, stress & suffering)

  • ​​filling your own cup full, so you can serve your clients from overflow, passion and excitement

  • releasing control, surrendering, asking for help & for what you desire

Empowerment & Self-worth

The most successful leaders know their worth and feel empowered to take action in their own, unique way. We'll work on:

  • identifying & healing self-worth triggers and the original wounding experience

  • rewiring your system to feeling like you’re “good enough” (and more)

  • stepping into your sovereign power and taking YOUR OWN deeply aligned, inspired action (because you want to, not because you try to prove your worth)

  • cutting energy cords & calling your power back to you

Soul Client Connection

A woman connected to her soul, led by her heart & devoted to serving her purpose is simply unstoppable! We'll work on: 

  • opening up your heart space & connecting to your soulmate clients on the energetic level

  • empathising with your soulmate clients & speaking to their desires

  • re-aligning your offer with your divine purpose and talents

  • fully embracing your identity as a Lightworker

  • taking inspired action & showing up where your intuition leads you (vs. following cookie cutter marketing strategies) and as your authentic, magnetic self

Money & Sales Energetics

An abundant CEO knows that selling is serving and receiving money for your service creates more abundance for everyone involved. We'll work on:

  • releasing feelings of scarcity, shame, pressure and desperation around money

  • defining what money really means to you (and what you REALLY want instead)

  • releasing attachment to results / money and opening up for attracting something even better

  • fully embracing your identity as a Lightworker

  • practicing sales as a loving practice of serving your clients from the heart space

I won't give you a "proven system" that will guarantee you success...

I won't give you a "proven system" to create a a 6+ figure business, money, clients, opportunities, a new house, etc...


You can smell BS from these type of promises because deep down you already know that there is no one "proven system" compatible with your Soul's unique purpose, growth journey, divine gifts and ideas...​


And honestly... you've probably tried a lot of these 'proven systems' and while they can help and bring some success...


Looking for answers outside of yourself ultimately only leaves you feeling disempowered, out of alignment and confused AF.

I will help you to step into your power and create a life & biz what works for YOU

I WILL help you find safety, surrender and pleasure in the body, and put your Higher Self in the driver's seat of your life and business.


What I can promise you is that I’ll help you reconnect to your body & spirit, heal your emotional & energetic blocks, integrate your unconscious parts, create energetic boundaries, call your power back to yourself, and put your fear, shame & ego in the passenger seat...


Because once let your authentic Higher Self take over the driver seat in your life and business...


You simply *KNOW* in your bones what to do next, and you're empowered to take inspired, aligned action... and that's when MIRACLES occur!

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Why Venus?

Born in the sea out of rather traumatic beginnings... 
Everyone threatened by her power, trying to take it away and erase her from existence for centuries...​
Still, Venus (or Aphrodite) emerged as a beautiful, inspiring and powerful Goddess of Love!​
Isn't this your story too?​
You too have your Inner Goddess of Love inside, just waiting for you to open your heart, step into the space of love, connect to your divine feminine flow and let her SHINE!

Imagine if you could...

  • Connect deeply to your Heart & Soul, fall in love with yourself, your life, your clients and your business
  • Feel safe, worthy & confident when showing up authentically & vulnerably in your business
  • Build unbreakable resilience, courage, self-belief and self-trust & feel deeply supported by the Universe
  • Be unapologetic about doing what lights you up & following your divine guidance, take aligned, inspired action with ease and flow
  • Feel clear, peaceful and grounded in your purpose, offer, soulmate clients & message
  • Embody abundance regardless of external circumstances

I know you recognize that a sustainable business needs strong foundations

and you're brave to do the necessary inner work... and I'm going to help you create a deep lasting change, and embody your true self forever, because...


“Once you are real, you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always.”


― Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit

If you are...

  • a female coach or healer who's heart-centered and deeply devoted to serving her clients
  • prepared to accept all parts of yourself & do the necessary healing work
  • ready to surrender to receive support from your Higher Power
  • excited to leave struggle, scarcity & doubt behind and step into pleasure, flow and abundance
  • committed to taking inspired action & creating a better reality for yourself and others


then this programme

is perfect for you

What's included:
  • 2 x 1:1 90min Coaching & Healing Sessions a Month
  • 2 x 75min Group Coaching & Healing Sessions a Month
  • Private Chat + Group Chat Access
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Join now for just £555 a month*

*The discounted price for the 2023 cohort only, the price will go up after. 6-months minimum commitment.

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